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The hidden challenge of ABM success: turning intent signals into real sales conversations

Peter Lundie

September 12, 2024


You've invested in an ABM platform. You have done so because you recognize that the conventional lead-to-Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) model is too narrow. Buying groups have grown substantially, so qualification can no longer depend upon a single hand raise. 


You're pinpointing the accounts that are showing clear intent for solutions like yours. Your ABM platform confidently labels them as Marketing Qualified Accounts (MQAs) or "6sense Qualified Accounts" (6QAs). Great!

But here's the problem you might be facing:

Intent ≠ Engagement

Handing a list of anonymous marketing qualified accounts to your Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) or Business Development Representatives (BDRs) is like giving them a map without a compass. Where do they even start? How do they turn these theoretical "qualified" accounts into actual conversations

I call this “Vacant MQAs or 6QAs” - your ABM platform is telling you these accounts are in-market, and it gives you some proof points - like keyword searches or content consumed on your website - but no insight into who!

The Gap: no easy entry point

If your SDRs are used to simply following up on traditional MQLs – individual contacts who have raised their hand – the shift to an account-based selling motion can be a jarring one. MQAs and 6QAs should represent buying groups who are in buying mode, but without individual contact engagement, your team is left staring at a blank slate.

You may think the solution is to just give your SDRs access to a prospecting database of contacts. Well, in Europe, you do need to consider GDPR, but even if you’re based elsewhere, your SDRs will need to be making a lot more calls to build pipeline from these vacant MQAs/6QAs.

The Result? Frustration and missed opportunities

  • SDR/BDR burnout: Without clear targets, your team wastes time on fruitless prospecting, leading to demotivation.
  • Slow pipeline development: The time it takes to identify the right contacts within qualified accounts means lost momentum and delayed sales cycles.
  • Missed revenue: Potentially interested accounts slip through the cracks simply because your team doesn't know where to focus their efforts.
  • Burning of bridges: Hammering every potentially relevant content at an account without a considered value exchange, can do more harm than good to your brand

The Solution: Bridge the Gap with oneninefive 

oneninefive is uniquely positioned to empower your ABM success by giving your sales team the contacts and context they need to convert intent into conversations rapidly and to supercharge your ongoing marketing to these high value accounts.

By speaking directly to potential stakeholders on your behalf, we deliver first party verification and qualification using intelligent, content-led, structured conversations. This engagement delivers multiple points of value.

- For sales, we get straight to individuals who are:

  • In market, know your brand/offer and are ready to hear from your SDRs
  • In market for the type of solution you offer, but might not know about your solution or be ready to engage (yet) 

- For marketing, we can make sure your sales team only see these high value leads, while you enjoy significant pipeline value, including:

  • MQA verification, identifying accounts that are:  
    ○ In market for a solution, but have specifically discounted your solution (at the given time)
    ○ False positives, ie: accounts that are not in the market at all, maybe the signals came from an overactive intern (it happens!)
  • High quality brand representation: delivering valuable content to your qualified accounts and key stakeholders, enhancing your brand and offering visibility.
  • Data acquisition: acquiring marketable contacts to grow your pipeline opportunities. 

This multi-threaded approach creates a pipeline of instant opportunities and maximizes your conversion potential, resulting in.:

a. Bigger deals: Win over champions from different areas of the business to unlock more budget
b. Faster sales cycles: Get sign-off quicker by bringing all decision-makers into the buying journey
c. Greater deal security: Build relationships across the buying team to avoid stumbling blocks if prospects leave or priorities change


Depending on your set up and need, we provide a range of engagement services that can support the delivery of higher quality MQAs with insights and contact level engagement to accelerate your outreach efforts

These include:

  • Appointments - generated for a prospect that has a near or medium-term requirement. The status of the opportunity will be made clear in the accompanying call report, which details the depth of the conversation and includes the prospect’s needs and expectations.
  • BANT+ - opportunity identified with near- or medium-term interest (ready to be engaged by SDRs). The status of the opportunity will be made clear in the accompanying call report. 
  • BANT qualification - opportunity identified with broad time frame - ready for nurture and soft management 
  • Marketable data – leads ready to be added to marketing automation campaigns building brand and engagement to nurture future interest
  • Insight - provides both an insight into current operations and future plans 
  • Qualified out – Identifies when the company or individual does not use this type of solution/service or has recently made a big contractual commitment to a competitor. 

Ready to transform your ABM results?

Don't let qualified accounts remain just a theoretical concept. Contact oneninefive today to learn how we can help you bridge the gap between intent and engagement. Your sales pipeline will thank you!

Ready to build pipeline? Complete the form and our demand and lead gen consultants will be in touch.
